Necronomicon Cake inspired by ‘Army of Darkness’ – Part 2
Hi all! I know it’s been awhile since my last post about the ever awesome Necronomicon cake, well I’m back! At the time of my last post my family was entertaining and executing the idea of moving back to Pittsburgh, PA where my husband and I grew up. In between Dave traveling, getting the house packed and cleaned up to sell and move, blogging has been placed on the back-burner. I have a bit of time now to catch up on posts, but it will still be a bit of time before I can get into our own kitchen!
When We Left Our Fearless Cake Decorators

I wasn’t really planning on being photographed while working on this cake, but Christey aka @Fotocuisine still managed to get some great photos of the cake we worked on. She also sent me photos of her son Andy cutting into the cake as well (a while ago), and now it’s time to do a step by step description of the process.
Making homemade fondant
I insisted we make our own fondant, even though it was tempting to use a box of pre-made fondant. Homemade marshmallow fondant tastes SO much better. The recipe comes from The Tested Kitchen.
First we melted the marshmallows with a little bit of water in a large glass bowl over boiling water (double boiler method), because I forgot that Christey didn’t have a microwave. BTW: This part seemed to take the longest, so where possible…use the microwave!!!
After the marshmallows were melted, I added it to the bowl of a stand mixer where we added the powdered sugar and just a little bit of cocoa powder. It took a long time for the fondant to come together and I suspect it was because it was the melted marshmallows were still too hot. I put the metal bowl in the freezer to cool it down a bit, and that’s when the fondant turned from a gooey mess into fondant.
Once the fondant and sugar mixture pulled away from the sides of the bowl I greased my hands up took it out of the metal bowl and placed it on a greased (vegetable shortening/Crisco) silicone mat to begin color, forming and decorating.
Forming the fondant
The texture of the fondant should not be sticky, but nice and smooth and something along the lines of Playdoh. To keep it from sticking to everything well greased hands are key. I added the cocoa powder to the fondant so it wouldn’t be stark white when we made the ‘pages’ and other pieces of the book.
Before applying the fondant to the cake – put your icing on so the fondant has something to stick to.
Here’s how we put it all together.
- Roll fondant out nice and flat.
- Cut into 3 strips that are as tall as the cake and as long and wide. (2 short and 1 long …. or 1 looooong continuous strip).
- Lightly make lines in the strips to look like pages, use either a knife or fondant roller. Pinch the fondant pieces together at corners of the book.
- Re-do the lines while the fondant is on the cake if it didn’t work out so great while moving the fondant from mat to cake.
Cover and Face:
- Roll a few pieces of the off-white fondant and position on the cake to make an upper lip, lower lip, nose and eye brows. We’ll lay the fondant on top make these features more prominent.
- Tint the fondant to the color of your choosing. We tinted our fondant using brown, yellow, copper and more cocoa powder.
- Roll the fondant flat so it’s slightly larger than the dimensions of the book.
- Mold the fondant around the facial features.
- Pinch and pull the rest of the fondant to make it old, crinkly and scccccccary!
Additional Facial/Cover Features
- Using some of the remain off-white fondant, create tiny teeth and eyes. (Christey was a big help in this part!)
- Mix some black gel food coloring (or dark brown) with a small bit of water and paint the inside of the mouth.
- Paint a small bit of water on the underside of the teeth and position inside the mouth. Repeat with the eyes underneath the brows.
- Mix a small bit of yellow or copper food color to paint the teeth and eyes.
- Finish the edges of the book by pinching the fondant ever so slightly under itself.
Finishing touches
- To get the book really gross and scary looking, mix some brown and coppery gel colors together with a little bit of water to make some paint.
- Using your best artistic judgement paint into the various nooks and crannies of the book. Use the paint to accent facial features like the nostrils of the nose.
Present to the Army of Darkness fan in your life and enjoy! Hail to the cake king baby! of darkness,Baking,birthday,evil dead,necronomicon cake,recreationHi all! I know it's been awhile since my last post about the ever awesome Necronomicon cake, well I'm back! At the time of my last post my family was entertaining and executing the idea of moving back to Pittsburgh, PA where my husband and I grew up. In...thesugarpixie thesugarpixie@gmail.comAdministratorThe Sugar Pixie
Stumbled across your blog and just had to say that is one awesome cake! My fiance would love it! He loves H.P. Lovecraft and is slowly getting me into his writings as well. Good luck with finishing up your move and getting back into the kitchen.