Easy Canvas Prints Review: These Are A Few of Our Favorite Drinks
Disclosure: EasyCanvasPrints.com approached me to review their product with a picture of my choosing. Opinions of the product are my own. I recently had the opportunity to review a canvas from Easy Canvas Prints. I think the hardest part of the whole process was deciding what picture/pictures to use. I have always loved drink photography and thought of our favorite drinks to use for this project. I introduce you to my newest canvas: Manhattan, Gin and Tonic, Old Fashioned and Gin Martini. (Canvas – Left, Original Image – Right)
Stop by Easy Canvas Prints and see their specials today!
Selecting a Picture
It took about two days to get my shots and lighting right, but any picture worth remembering is great to use for your canvas. Easy Canvas has an idea gallery showcasing the types of photos you might choose for your canvas. Select a picture from your computer, Facebook or Instagram! My photos were cleaned up in Photoshop Elements and I used a custom sized image and collage Google’s Picasa. I wish Easy Canvas Prints had a built in collage feature instead of trying to find a software program to do it. (I realize that at smaller canvas sizes the quality may vary, but at 11×14 I am happy with the results.)
Creating the Canvas
The first step in creating a canvas, besides selecting a picture is determining what size canvas you want. They have several standard sizes, but you can create a custom size as well. Next select the canvas wrap thickness. I usually go for the .75″, because if I choose to frame it it’s easier to find a frame and framing clips to accommodate. The next size up is 1.5″ gallery wrap for a more dramatic effect, and finally Easy Canvas can take care of the framing for you with several different options. After you select the type of canvas you want it’s time to upload or access photos from Facebook or Instagram. Easy Canvas has a great feature that tells you if the image is right quality/resolution for a canvas. Next select a border option for your canvas. I prefer a solid color – white, black or one that compliments the main subject. Finally there’s optional color finishing and image retouching. Add to your cart and continue shopping or select shipping options.
Unboxing the Canvas
About ten days after I placed my order my canvas arrived nice and secure in a cardboard box packaged by Natasha and marked ‘Fragile.’
I noticed the order number is now printed on the back of the canvas, along with the order date – so now you know the date of when your canvas was created – Bonus! I like there’s already mounting hardware on the canvas, but mine was installed in the wrong spot – Oops. (Easily fixed with a flat head screw driver and a hammer.)
Here’s some single shots of the canvas. The picture quality is really great – not fuzzy at all. My
Just wondering how their quality compares to other canvas companies. Have you ever gotten a canvas print from Canvas Press (http://www.canvaspress.com) or even a local photo lab and see how they compare?
No I haven’t, but the photos I’ve put on canvas I’ve been very happy with. I can honestly say when I see my canvases I think of how close to the original they do look. I’ve had hit or miss luck with regular photos at the local photo labs, and not sure I’d trust them to do a canvas. The Easy Canvas site makes it pretty easy to create and order a canvas (just tried the Canvas Press site, has some nice artistic options available at the same price point).
Cool. I was just wondering. I use Canvas Press quite a bit and love their quality and customer service. I appreciate your reply! Have a great 4th!