Trying to mix things up on this second day of school being cancelled due to snow with a smores made from a York Peppermint Patty. This was way quicker than making a pot of hot cocoa on the stove, or a cup of Ovaltine hot chocolate! (Which the kids always ask for after playing in the snow.)
I found it helpful to cook the candy on a graham cracker for about 10 seconds in the microwave. cracker,marshmallow,peppermint pattie,smoresTrying to mix things up on this second day of school being cancelled due to snow with a smores made from a York Peppermint Patty. This was way quicker than making a pot of hot cocoa on the stove, or a cup of Ovaltine hot chocolate! (Which the kids...thesugarpixiethesugarpixie@gmail.comAdministratorThe Sugar Pixie