Ripen Green Tomatoes
A few weeks back I removed the all the tomato plants and green tomatoes from the garden since the cool and frosty evenings were the new normal. The red or mostly red I used immediately in other recipes – tomato sauces, oven roasted and drizzled with balsamic for salads.
However, the green tomatoes I picked as many decent looking ones into a box lined with a brown paper bag. The box and bag went into the basement in a cool, darkish place, that was near our pantry so I could keep an eye on them while they ripened. (I did lose a few that rotted, hence the keep an eye on them!)
Fast forward about three weeks, we’ve been enjoying red ripened tomatoes in our salads. Almost, as good as a fresh picked tomato and world’s better than most tomatoes from a grocery store! Here’s a few more tips on ripening green tomatoes from