Beer Advent Calendar (2016)
A friend invited me to an ongoing beer project of hers last month. The project was born partly out of jealousy over the kids’ daily item from the Advent calendar. She thought if the kids could have something why couldn’t the parents have something like a beer!
While recovering from a broken toe, I recruited Mr. Pixie to figure out some beers we could offer up for approval before purchasing. (The beer needs to be approved to avoid any duplication.) Dave purchased our case of beer, and we dropped it off by the deadline. Over the next few days later, my friend assembled twenty-four cases fur twenty-four people. I anxiously retrieved my case of beer before December 1st, and in neatly organized rows with numbered stickers I saw quite a few beers I has not tried before. There were quite a few beers from out of state since people were traveling during Thanksgiving. (See the bolded items.)
I started an Untappd account to keep track of our selections, and other beers we try.
Here’s a few of my favorite bottles. My favorite beer has been the Traveler Jolly Winter Shandy.
Looking forward to trying all the choices, but I’m left wondering if some of these would taste better if paired better with our dinners.