May Gardening (2017)
I've learned my lesson from years past and have been holding off on planting in the garden until at least past Mother's Day, if not Memorial Day weekend. Since I…
Goodbye Summer Eats
Today I harvested the last of our basil and served fresh pesto for dinner topped with tomatoes from our garden. While there's barely a difference in taste between fresh, or…
Rainy Sunday Morning
This summer has been unbelievable, more cool days than raging hot weather. Today it's a perfect, cool, rainy, Sunday morning. The rain and thunder sound like something from the nature…
Enjoying Pesto from the Freezer
One of the last things we harvested from the garden last fall was a forest of basil. I was determined to pull out snack size bags of frozen pesto to…
Basil and Spinach Pesto
After our spinach bolted in June, we sort of haphazardly planted a whole packet of Basil seeds. I thought we would get a few plants, so we let them all…
Don’t Tempt Mother Nature
This is what you get when you try to plant before May 1 in Zone 6 (find your zone)- frost warning. I went to Lowe's and to buy some Basil…